Chekhov's Gun: The mind virus that keeps the first Human going while tearing through the invasion fleet.They're also pretty useful for taking out armored robots, as while their arms and legs are armored, their heads and torso aren't. Boring, but Practical: Spears rarely sever limbs, and don't require the audience to wear metallic debris ponchos, but like the hammer they can't be blocked by swords, and can be upgraded with a shield that can let you block arrows and hammers.Body Surf: Chapters 4 and 5 give the humans the ability to transfer their minds to the nearest robot body upon death.

Black Humor: Most of the game's humor comes from this trope.When he dies, the rest of robotkind choose to leave humanity in peace. Even when the humans destroy the main core program that forced the robots to follow the algorithm of roboticizing the species they come across and forcing them to die in gladiatorial combat, he still chose to destroy the humanity via the Orbital Bombardment. Big Bad: The Emperor of robots is the main driving force behind the invasion, seeking to exterminate the humanity by forcing every single human to die in gladiatorial combat.

Also averted by Hammers themselves, a hammer swings a bit slower than a sword, but it can't be blocked like a sword and tends to instantly reduce enemy bots to lots of little pieces. Played straight by fire hammers, as most of the time a single strike kills immediately regardless of added fire.
Attack Reflector: The last upgrade to the "deflect arrows" upgrade chain lets you reflect them at your opponents.By design, the armor only covers the limbs, so it's still possible to take damage to the head, waist or chest. In this game, armor can save your life ◊. Other robots of the same make can speak in the story campaign. And I Must Scream: It's revealed by Comment-a-Tron that Human robots cannot speak.